Dreams and Visions

August 20, 2014

Map of the USA

Last night I was shown in a dream the map of the USA.  I was above America extended in the air.  I saw a bright yellow blob of ooze come up from the Florida, Alabama boarder.  It grew slowly, spreading out until it covered the entire region of the south east.  At that moment the scene changed, and I was standing in the kitchen of my childhood home with a friend or family member.  I'm not sure who was with me, I only know there was male person with me.  We both knew the US was about to be severely judged.  I felt an awful pit in my stomach and a wave of terror and despair came over me.  We fell to our knees immediately in repentance, crying out to the LORD of Hosts to have mercy on America.  


February 22, 2013

Islam in America

I was given this dream last year.  In my spirit I was aware of the fact that it took place during the Tribulation. 

I was in my childhood home.  I was alone in the house with two workers who were hired men.   They were there to make repairs on the garage door.  The men were Caucasian but had converted to Islam.  I left the men in the garage while I went inside the house to pray.  I went upstairs to my old bedroom, knelt down and started to pray for their salvation.

I heard a noise and looked behind me; they were standing at my door.  When they saw that I was praying, they became very angry and called the "authorities".  A task force arrived dressed in police gear.  Obama was with them and giving them directives.  

I wasted no time in fleeing my home.  I headed for the wood behind the house, searching for a hiding place.  They pursued me into the wood, as they wanted to arrest me and force me to convert to Islam.  

I ran deeper looking for a cave to hide in - that is when I woke from the dream. 

1 Samuel 22:1 says that David therefore departed from there and escaped to the cave of Adullam.   God does provide for us a means of escape.


February 11, 2014

Four Horsemen

In my dream I was in my car driving alone down a divided road with a single lane in both directions.  It was dark outside and there were no other cars on the road with me.  My headlights picked up something coming at me in the other lane, though it wan't another car and it had no lights.  As I got closer, I could see it was the four horsemen of the apocalypse.  They were following in close proximity to each other, in succession.

I could see that they were not solid in form but wispy like smoke, though their edges were well defined and not trailing as smoke would.  They were riding with a purpose and passed me and kept going.  I stayed on my side of the road and continued on my way.


November 9, 2013

Around The World

Last night in my dream, I saw a map of the globe.  It look like a globe that would be used in a classroom, only I saw it on a larger scale.  I saw a thick yellow line extend from America and go out over the entire world, touching every continent and country.  It kept spreading until the entire earth was covered.  I saw myself traveling to different countries trying to hide from the yellow line.  I kept moving and couldn't settle down anywhere because the line was following me everywhere I went.  I knew in my spirit that the line represented Barak Obama.   He made his way across vast oceans and even touched tiny island nations.  There truly was no place overlooked.    


May 22, 2013

News Flash

I dreamed that I was standing in a living room.  A few other people were with me, who I didn't know.  We were all watching the news on television.  The scene was completely normal.  Everyone was just casually watching the news together.

As I was watching, a red banner started to scroll across the bottom, much like a weather alert banner that breaks into programs to warn of tornadoes in the area, only this banner was not about approaching storms.  This banner was all news items.  It was presented in a way as if it already happened, however, I knew in my spirit that it was future news of things to come.

I looked more intently as much was now coming across the screen.  There was so much news that it was difficult to pick out one specific item, though I did see the words "huge fireball crashed to earth".  

I was alarmed and looked around at the others with me.  They were just sitting or standing around as if nothing happened.  It was then that I knew that they could not see the red banner.  They were content and completely unaware of what is coming our way.  

Note:  I believe when this happens, it will take people off guard.  We will not see it coming and that is why the masses were just sitting around content as life goes on.  

I'm not sure if this is a literal fireball crashing to earth or symbolic of something else.  Many times the bible uses symbolism to describe spiritual matters.  Time will tell.


March 4, 2013


In the early morning I had a dream in which I lived on the extreme outskirts of a town that was almost completely abandoned.  I had a small apartment in a building across the street from a research facility, one of the few businesses that were still running in the town.  Beyond my apartment was desert like the deserts out west in Arizona or Nevada.   I took walks in the desert at night to admire the stars as they could be seen shining so brightly without city lights reflecting on the horizon.  One night, I walked out in the desert for my usual star gazing walk and looked back on the town.  I could see the buildings of what looked like grain elevators and agricultural type buildings.  

There was silver silo in the distance. It stood taller than the other silos in town.  As I looked back at the silo, I could see what looked like small rockets being launched near it.  They shot up in the sky and I could see the orange glow of the fuel being burned.  I ran back to town to get a friend of mine.     I wanted him to come see the rockets.  I thought that nobody would believe what I saw unless I had a witness.  I got my friend to come with me into the desert.  Once we were far enough away from the outskirts of town, we could see small rockets being launched in the distance near this silo. There were being launched by twos at regular intervals.  Many were launched they went off in different directions.   We both were amazed as what was taking place because the town was supposed to be almost completely deserted and this looked like something was going on under the cover of darkness that we weren't supposed to know about.  

Just as we stood there watching these rockets, two of them shot up in the sky then did a U-turn and started heading straight for us as if we were being targeted for some reason.  We split up and ran in opposite directions.  One small rocket followed my friend, while the other came after me.  They were extremely fast and were able to seek us out even in darkness.  As the one approached me, it was able to grab me from the air and in a split second's time, had injected a microchip, one inch in length into my right wrist.   The machine was silver and reflected the moon light.  It reminded me of a small droid from science fiction films.  it could hover and make sharp right angle turns.  It spoke to me and told me not to try and remove the mircochip because there was a lethal dose of cyanide in it and if I disturb it in any way it will detonate and kill me.  Immediately the rocket droid turned and left.  

At this point I had lost my friend.  I walked back to town, feeling exhausted as if I had been in the fight of my life.  I felt the microchip was a reprogramming device that if not extracted, would change my thought pattern and I would no longer be in control of my own thoughts but would be subject to the thoughts of those who held the technology.  I had another friend who was a scientist at the research facility across the street from my apartment.  He often worked alone late into the night.  I felt that I could trust him and that he could help me get rid of the microchip before it detonated or reprogrammed me.  I walked up to the glass doors in front to open them but they were locked.  I banged on them to try and get his attention but  there was no answer and he never came. It was then that I woke up.


February 14, 2013

Soup Kitchen in Jerusalem

I dreamed that I was in Jerusalem.  I was not there for tourism.  I knew that something had happened and life was not normal.  In Jerusalem, the Israelis had set up a cafeteria style soup kitchen for all who needed food, whether Israeli or Arab, even foreigners.  There was little electricity.  I did not see any lights on but there was just enough electricity (generator power?) to keep the food somewhat warm.  The building was plain in design, just a dirty white color.  I had to use the bathroom so I went down the hall to find the ladies room.  Inside was filthy as if it had not been cleaned in months.  It was difficult to find a toilet that didn't have feces on it.  I knew that something had happened to cause the breakdown of normal life.  Yet, despite what looked like perhaps a bombing had taken place, the Israelis provided for the needs of everyone who was in want, including myself, with no questions asked.  


February 12, 2013

Chem Trails

I had a very short dream.  It was twilight and I could hear the engine of a plane overhead.  When I looked up, I saw a US military plane flying overhead.  I could see that it was flying pretty low for such a large aircraft.  It then started trailing a bright blue substance behind it.  I knew it was not just dumping fuel which has a blueish tint to it.  This substance was much thicker and bright blue.  It reminded me of the aircraft that fly over fires to put out flames.  I remember standing there wondering what I was seeing when I heard in my spirit the words "chem trails".  This is strange because chem trails are used at much higher altitudes for weather manipulation.  I knew this was no ordinary chem trail and that is was not being used for weather but for something much more evil, such as population control.


January 28, 2013

World Wide Marshall Law

Around 4:00 am I dreamed that I was in Australia (I've never been to Australia but the Lord made that detail clear to me).  I was under house arrest for being a Christian.  Barak Obama, the antichrist was there. He was in charge and calling all the shots.  Every detail of my life was under scrutiny and he had placed himself in control over everyone.  I felt tremendous despair over my situation, which looked absolutely hopeless.  Feeling that I must do whatever it takes to get free, I kept quiet and didn't argue my case.  I sat in the room with him as he was deciding my fate.  Others were present and discussing with him what to do with me.  It was at that moment when they seemed preoccupied that I quietly and slowly inched my way closer to an open door.  I then slipped out of the room and made my way through the house to make an escape. I made it outside outside, but was shocked to see that Mashall law was in effect.  I saw military police armed with rifles, standing at posts.  There were positioned on street corners and at entrances to buildings. By this time it was getting dark outside and I was searching for a safe place to hide.  There was a college near by with a few people coming and going.  I knew that I could not trust anyone to help me.  They were all deceived into believing that Christians were a threat to society and that by turning 
them in to the police, they were doing a service to humanity.  I found a  storage area that had giant silver colored metal pipes with ridges all along them.  I didn't see anyone around so I went in to one of the pipes to find shelter.  It was then that I woke up from the dream. 

There is coming a day when these things will come to pass.  The bible says that the generation that sees Israel (the fig tree) bud, is THE generation who will see the end of all things. (Matt 24:32-34)  We (those who have accepted Christ as their savior) need not fear.  For He is our refuge in times of trouble.  Just as I searched and found a safe place to hide in my dream.  We also will find safety in Jesus when we search for Him. 

Psalm 17:8  Keep me as the apple of your eye; Hide me in the shadow of Your wings.

Psalm 63:7  For you have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy.

Psalm 91:4  He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge.


January 4, 2013

Allow Me!

In the early morning I dreamed that I was taking my youngest child to school.  As I approached the school in my car, and the tires hit the property.  I was immediately stopped by Barak Obama.  He got in my car on the drive'rs side and made me push over.  He then controlled the rest of the journey.   My son, was acting up and jumped out of the car and ran away.   

I told Obama that I spoke to my son about doing things like that just moments ago.  He said to me "That is what Chicken Little is about".   I said "What?   I thought it was about something else".   I got out of the car to follow my son and left Obama sitting at the wheel.  Then I woke.

In my dream Obama was someone who gave himself great authority over all.  He attempted to mislead me by telling me that the story of Chicken Little was about misbehaving and not paranoia.  He seemed very concerned about people stepping out of line.

Matt 24:4  And Jesus answered and said to them, "See to it that no one misleads you".

Matt 24:24  For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.

2 Thes 2:8-10  Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; that is, the one whose coming in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.


December 31, 2012

War on the Home Front

In the early hours of the morning, I had a dream in which I was with my youngest son and my parents in Northampton, MA.   It was a warm sunny day and my parents were shopping for flooring.  I couldn't keep my son occupied while they discussed pricing, so I took him outside to run around in the abandoned parking lot next door.  The two of us sat down in the shade of nearby tree.  I know this was summertime as it was warm enough for us to be in shorts and Tees.  

As we were resting in the shade, I saw three small squadrons of military aircraft fly over.  They were  led by a larger plane, and flying in a V formation.  My first thought was that they were training for something but they were flying too low over an urban area.  It was significant enough to capture my full attention.

As we watched the aircraft approach, Time slowed way down, like the kid of time warps seen in movies.  One air craft came so close that I could see it was an F-15 Eagle.  The pilot was a white male in this early to mid 30s.  He smirked at us as he flew passed us.

Time resumed as normal and the airplane was in the sky again.  I watched as the plane dropped a bomb over the city, which exploded with a huge black cloud that spread out like a pyroclastic flow from a volcano.  I grabbed my son and ran into the store, locking the door behind me.  I had just enough time to get out what I saw. I said out loud "Jesus, be with me!" and took a deep breath and covered my face with my shirt.  The dark cloud entered the store and all went black.


December 11, 2012

The Two Witnesses

About a week ago I had a dream in which I saw myself in Jerusalem with Jesus.  He was standing in front of two men, anointing their foreheads with oil.  He told me to take the oil and do the same.  I knew that I was looking at the two witnesses in the book of Revelation.

Revelation 11:3  I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophecy for twelve hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.


October 11, 2012

Evil Deception Among the Brethren

 In my dream I had just joined a bible study of which my mom and a friend of hers were in a position of power.  I showed up a little later than the rest of the ladies.  They were all seated at a long table that was set up in the parking lot.  The sun had set and it was beginning to get dark outside.  My mom and her friend, were standing at the end of the table talking to the ladies, then she and her friend left and went inside the building where the bible study was supposed to take place. No one questioned their authority but did exactly as they were told.  These two women held power over the rest of the group and were well respected.

The women at the table were upset because they wanted to go inside, but were told that they couldn't since the leader of the bible study had just quit. The women were told to sit outside until they elected a new leader; only then would they be allowed to go back inside with the other two.
I was the newest and youngest member of the bible study.  I joined just a week or so ago so I just sat down and remained quiet.  The ladies continued to squabble among themselves.  No one wanted the responsibility of leading the group.  I understood that whoever was chosen as leader would then be subject to these two, who were running the bible study, and for some reason the ladies were afraid of them.

The scene became desperate as darkness was covering us and we didn't have any lights.  One lady suggested that I should be the one to lead the study because I was the newest member.  They all agreed in unison.  I told them that I didn't feel comfortable doing that as I didn't feel the Lord leading me to do that.  The refused to take “NO” for an answer and began to get stronger in their demand for me to become the leader. 

I tried to be polite and explain that I didn't feel comfortable because I didn't feel the Lord was calling me to that position.  They just shouted louder and became a mob.  I understood that they didn't care about me or one another.  They were told by the “elites” to elect a leader or they would not be allowed inside the establishment.  They had their own agenda and were willing to sacrifice me.  I knew that if I accepted, it would be a bad thing for me to do and I would be consumed and deceived by the elites, just as these women were.

My cousin was present.  She also came late to the meeting.  She sat down next to me and did not speak to anyone.  She just quietly listened.  No one bothered her as if they couldn't see her.  She just sat very still and listened, as if she was just there to observe.

The argument got heated and several women stood up, trying to intimidate me.  I also rose to the challenge and refused to give in to their demands.  I tried to remain calm but the shouting got so loud by this time, that I banged my hand on the table to shock them out of the mental state they were in.  I sat back down and tears began to well up in my eyes.  I leaned against my cousin in exhaustion.  She said not a word to me but began to gently sway back and forth, like a mother rocking her baby.  At that moment, I felt peace.  It was as if I had disappeared from the table.  I could see the ladies but they were just arguing with themselves now.  I knew that I was completely safe from them.  My cousin was a guardian angle to me.

When I woke, I had the interpretation:

The darkness was the evil that is in the world.  The time of day was after sunset and darkness was looming overhead.  It was a spiritual darkness.

My relative and their friend represented the Anti Christ and the False Prophet and how they will be esteemed, feared, and able to control the masses. 

The bible study ladies were professing Christians (in name only), who were deceived by the Anti Christ.  They wanted to be part of the world system as they felt it was the right thing to do.  They were blinded to the truth as to the identity of their handlers.

I represented those who will be true Christians and hated by the others.  The bible study ladies were shouting at me and trying to intimidate me to bend to their will.  I wasn't respected for my faith but looked down upon, much like the Christians during the Tribulation, who will be mocked, hated and eventually sacrificed for their faith.

My cousin represents God’s provision to His people during the Tribulation.  

Matt 24:24  For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.

Revalation 13:3  ...And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast.  

October 9, 2012


 I had a dream in the early morning hours about christian persecution

I dreamed that I was with my family at our summer home.  My mom had decided that she was going to turn me in to the authorities because of my belief in Jesus.

She told me that she was leaving to go get help and I was not allowed to leave the property.  When I saw her drive away, I thought it was safe for me to leave but then she came back and pushed me back into the house.

Every time she drove off, I attempted to escape on foot and every time she came back and blocked my attempts to leave.

I woke up before any authorities arrived.  I believe this dream is about what is coming in the tribulation.  The bible speaks of families that will turn on each other.  Mother will be against daughter, and daughter will be against mother.

People will be turning their family members in to the NOW authorities, thinking they are doing right, when in fact they will be sentencing that person to death.

Matt 10:21-22

"Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and will cause them to be put to death.  You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved".


Sept 26, 2012

NWO Drones

 I had a dream about the NWO.  In the dream my children and I were staying at my Grandmother’s house.  It was approaching night time and I wanted to wash my car.  We all went outside and got set up.  Other neighbors waited for evening to come out of their houses and the street was filled with people in their yards doing various chores.

I looked up and saw in the sky, what looked like a giant plane.  There were two smaller planes close by to it.  All three planes were just hovering much like helicopters do, only they were shaped like planes.

I watched as the larger plane remained stationary but the two smaller ones flew off in different directions.  One flew off in the opposite direction, and I could no longer see it, but the other one flew directly at us, at a very fast rate of speed, as if it had zeroed in on us. 

The kids and I were scared so we left our bucket in the driveway and ran into the house to take cover.  We huddled in the kitchen and got low to the floor to evade detection.  I could see the plane shine a beam of light through the kitchen window.  Then I woke up.

I believe that the neighbors who waited until the cover of darkness to come outside were Christians hiding from the NWO government, who was using drones to seek out Christians.

Hiding in the house represents how Christians will be hunted in the tribulation and have to hide.

Hosea 10:8  …Then they will say to the mountains, “Cover us!” and to the hills, “Fall on us!”

Luke 23:30  Then they will begin TO SAY TO THE MOUNTAINS, “FALL ON US” AND TO THE HILLS, “COVER US”.


 September 2012

Church Vision

I was praying and given an open vision of the church that I attend.

I saw people from my church standing around drinking coffee and talking in the meeting area, after service.

Everyone looked as if they were having a good time.  They were smiling, and laughing.

Then I saw that people were holding masks that were made out of paper.  They were attached to a wooden stick, similar to a doctor’s tongue depressor.  They were holding the masks to their face but as they carried on in conversation, they forgot about keeping up appearances, and their masks began to slowly slip, as their arms got tired.

I could see their faces behind the masks only they didn’t look as nice as the pretty faces that were on the paper masks.
Matt 7:16  You will know them by their fruits.

Luke 6:44  For each tree is know by it's own fruit.  For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they pick grapes from a briar bush.

I believe God is telling us to be careful because there is a lot of deception in the church today.  How will know if someone is of God?...

Psalm 15

O LORD, who may abide in Your tent?
Who may dwell on Your holy hill?

He who walks with integrity, and works righteousness, 
And speaks truth in his heart.

He who does not slander with his tongue, 
Nor does evil to his neighbor, 
Nor takes up a reproach against his friend;

In whose eyes a reprobate is despised,
But who honors those who fear the LORD;
He swears to is own hurt and does not change;

He dos not put out his money at interest,
Nor does he take a bribe against the innocent.
He who does these things will never be shaken.


September 20, 2012.

The Underground Church

I had a dream that disturbed me and when I awoke, I had the full interpretation of the dream.

*Note:  In respect for my friend's privacy, I will not refer to her by name.

First I needed to speak with a friend.  The message I was bringing her was very urgent and my mom was involved in getting her to meet us in the parking lot of a McDonalds

she pulled up in a different car than she usually drives and parked.  My Mom and I pulled up next to her.  When she saw me get out of the car to go speak to her, she got scared and drove off.  The driveway to the establishment was quite long and windy because it was on a hill. 

I began to cry because the message I was bringing her was very important.  Knowing this, my mom ran straight down the hill and cut cut her off, convincing her to come back and hear me out.  

Then the scene transitioned:  I was no longer a participant in the dream, I was an observer.  I could see people around me, but they could not see me. 

I was in the basement of an old cathedral style church, which was no longer being used for services.  The cellar had a meeting hall with a small kitchen.  There was no electricity but enough light was present so that I could see what was going on.

I saw twenty or thirty people who were walking up to the pass through window in the kitchen and getting a small plate of food (a meager amount).  The scene was very somber and no one spoke.  They looked very sad and had their heads down.

I saw my friend dressed in a maroon and white T-shirt that said “Easthampton Eagles” on it.  I was amazed to see her wearing a T-shirt from my hometown, which was 1,500 miles away from where we lived.  I thought “Of all the T-shirts she could have chosen, how did she manage to find the one from my hometown high school”?  As I looked around others were also wearing the same shirt.  They were servers, helping the people who were there for free food.

When I saw my friend serving people, I thought to myself “That is just like her, so full of compassion for others”.

Then I woke up with a full understanding of the dream.

The Message:

The message I was bringing to my friend of great importance was the message of Salvation through Jesus Christ.  I had the knowledge that time on earth was short and she needed to hear the gospel immediately.  She has been running from Jesus Christ her whole life and so when she saw me, she got scared and ran yet again.

At this point, I was looking at a scene from the Tribulation.

The Church:

The church was shut down under the NWO.  They were no longer able to hold services there, as there was a new universal religion on earth.  The electricity was cut to the church so that no one could to use it for a Christian service.

The people receiving free food, as well as the servers, were homeless and distraught Christians. They met in the cellar of the church, symbolizing that they had to go “underground” to meet as Christians.

The T-shirts:

My friend and the other servers were wearing my hometown high school’s T-shirt because the team was called the “Eagles” and there was a big white eagle on the front.  This was the only way they could show support for America under the NWO.  No former symbols of America were allowed to be worn.  I sensed that it brought a level of comfort to the people.

Sept 8, 2012


I dreamed that I was at my summer home at a lake site.  It is in the mountains and very quiet.  Sometimes it can be too quiet and it’s nice to have friends stop by and visit.

I was feeling a bit alone and tried calling a friend, that I knew when we were kids.  I had not seen her in many years and thought it would be nice to catch up on family and things.  I tried calling her but there was no answer.

Later, I met her at a small farm store, close by.  She was there with her brother buying a few items.  I was so amazed to see her as I knew that she didn't live in my area.  I quickly went over to her to invite her up to the lake.

She scoffed at my invitation, with a sour face.  Then she began to laugh at me and mock me because I wasn't wearing the latest fashion, and I didn't have a Gucci hand bang.  She refused to be friends and I went home very sad.

At home, my mom was throwing a dinner party for her close friends.  They were all seated at a long table in the dining room, which was heavily decorated with tall candelabras and flowers. I walked in and whispered in my mom's ear that I needed to speak with her because I was very upset about my friend.

Then my mom also scoffed at me.  She shoved me and told me to go away, that I was an embarrassment to her AND their friends.

We are told in scripture that this will happen in the end times.  Even Christ was scoffed at by those who thought they were in good standing with God.  Christians are going to be looked down upon as the world become darker and darker.  We will be outcasts and mocked.  The bible says that we will be betrayed by even our own family members.  

Matt 10:21-22

"Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and will cause them to be put to death.  You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved." 


August 14, 2022

Missiles In America

 I dreamed I was in my childhood home in Western Massachusetts.  I was gardening out in the back yard.  The weather was sunny and warm so I'm assuming it was mid summer.  I heard a noise overhead like a screeching and as I looked up, I saw two missiles flying by a a super fast pace.  I saw them hit but I could not tell where.

I was scared and started to run towards my house.  As I got closer I saw a spent parachute laying on the ground but no one was around.  The one thing that struck me as odd was that the parachute wasn't ARMY green or desert grey as you would expect.  It was a Ram Air style parachute that was multi-colored like the diversity flags you see around America.

Jeremiah 25:32  

This is what the LORD of Hosts says: “Behold! Disaster is spreading from nation to nation; a mighty storm is rising from the ends of the earth.”



  If all this was happening 8 years ago.  How much more then will it intensify now, as we draw ever closer to the LORD's return for us? ...