
Showing posts from May, 2014


May 18, 2014 Lately I've been feeling pretty dry in a spiritual sense.  We all go through through those dreaded drought periods in our lives when we feel like animal hide that's been baking out in the hot desert sun all day, parched and cracking.  We reach for our water canteen only to find it empty and dusty. These are the times when we start to wonder what the LORD is up to in our lives. Did He forget about us?  Is He busy elsewhere?  The answer is NO. and NO.  He's never too busy for His beloved children and He says in His word that He neither leaves us, nor forsakes us.  So what is going on here? The desert times can leave us feeling anxious, numb, vulnerable, and even alone.  It is a time when God wants to draw us closer to Him so He can teach us something.  If life constantly goes our way, what learning is there in that?  What type of appreciation would have for the things He has given us if we never experience need? Jesus admonishes us to run the race as to w


Lesson #1 .    JESUS IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER – MY TESTIMONY - Remember the cartoons where someone gets a piano or a refrigerator dropped on their head from a four story building?  That is how I learn my spiritual lessons.  Some people are quick learners and respond to gentle correction, but not me.....Oh no!  Not me! God had to bring out the big stuff to get my attention.  And get it, He did!  Getting back to the piano falling, God did that for me.  I say “for me” because it was the best thing that He ever did on my behalf – besides dying on the cross.  I grew up in a Catholic home, went to church every Sunday, attended the appropriate catechism classes, etc.  I had complete head knowledge of who Jesus was and that He died for our sins.  End of story.  Case closed.  Nothing more to look at here folks!  Needless to say, that does not make me a Christian, so as a teenager, I rebelled, drank a lot, smoked, took drugs and ran with boys.  I so longed to be “in” with the crowd and now I

Evolution Vs Common Sense and Real Science