Sunday, July 14, 2024


What Is Your Time Worth?

July 14, 2024

This morning I was in prayer as I am every weekend morning when things are quiet.  During the week it's go, go, go as I have little time in the morning to take care of the pets and get myself ready for work.  I barely have time to eat any breakfast, most days I don't, but on weekends, things are different; I have the time to truly spend with the LORD in prayer before the household wakes up and everyone is vying for my attention.  This morning God spoke this to me and I was shocked because I thought I was giving Him time each day but I realized that I could be doing a whole lot more.  A quick prayer each morning and night and one chapter of the bible is not enough when you consider how much time we have in a day.  How we fill that time given to us, is up to us but it has it's consequences.

Daughter, why do you allow such distraction in your life? (I could tell He meant pets, people, chores, and other normal daily activities),  distractions that take you away from ME?  Distractions of people, work, fun, watching tv, playing on your phone, things that absorb your time like a black hole?

You can not get one second back, once it is spent.  It is gone forever!  You know in your heart that I am coming soon.  You pray for my quick return, but are you truly ready for it?  Have you given your all to Me?  Have you fully submitted your time, your talents, your Me, or does another hold those things captive in your life?  I desire that you would give it ALL to Me and allow Me to show you new things, to open new doors of blessing, and unlock new things in My word that you just gloss over in your time reading My word.

You spend time with Me each day...YES, though it is short.  I desire that you would dwell in My Holy Place, with Me.  Go!  Shut the door and shut the world out.  Silence the distractions in your life that scream for your time and attention.  They only serve as a replacement, meant to rob you of your time and the blessings that I have for you.  The world can not bless you as I can.  The world can not offer you what I have.  This world you live in is decaying, passing away.  Soon it will no longer be.  How much more than should you spend time with The Holy One, your Provider, Your Creator, the Lover of your very soul?

I am standing at the ready, ready to bless you, ready to receive you, ready to spend time with you.  I want to bless My children and see them walking in my blessing, enjoying the life that I gave them.  I gave all so that they could enjoy life, walking in My blessing and blessing others as they go.  Don't let the world rob you of the blessings of your heritage, your heritage in Me, as children of the Most Holy God.  

I can not, nor will not bless that which is not of Me.  Am I in your social life?  Do you speak of Me when you gather for a fun time with your friends, or am I not even a whisper on your breath?  Am I in your personal time when you are watching tv, or are you just mindlessly allowing the enemy to sap more of your blessing, by keeping you occupied for hours?  Am I in your social media?  Do you post how I have saved you, blessed you, and healed you; or do you conform to the world and it's demands?  Do I come up in conversations you have with strangers you meet, or coworkers, family members who are not saved, neighbors?

Be faithful to Me.  I am coming quickly, and with Me, I bring My rewards for those who have not forsaken Me, and fully submitted themselves for My kingdom purposes.  I bring rewards for those who have given of their time, talents, and abilities, to minister to the lost, to help the homeless, to feed and clothe the hungry and naked, to those who have truly made Me their God, and submitted to My refinement in their lives, who have surrendered ALL and placed Me above all in their lives.

You say you love me, but you spend very little time with Me in prayer, in silence, in reverence.  Come away with Me to my Holy place where we can converse, just the two of us.  There you will find refreshment.  There you will find comfort.  There you will find answers to those things that bewitch you.  I will meet you there if you just come.  Put aside those things that are not of Me, and meet Me in the quiet recesses of your heart.  Am I not worth all that to you?  The world can not give you peace.  The world can not bless you as I can.  The world only seeks to drag you down with it.  Do not be a part of it.  I have placed you in it, but only for a short time.  If you only knew that you were standing on a precipice, on the very edge of eternity itself.  Come to Me.  Spend time with Me and I will show you mysteries that others long to know, but can not find.  It can only be found in Me. 

Have I not earned that right in your lives?  Do I not have a place in your heart?  I've given freely to you when you ask.  I meet you at the door when you knock.  Knock, and I will open that door to you.  I will invite you in to rest in My glory, in a place where no harm can reach you.  

I desire that you would freely give all of yourself to Me, as I did not hold back a single thing, but gave ALL that I have to you.  I did it out of love, pure love, for My children.  Repent, and return to Me, your First Love, and I return My favor upon you.  I will not turn you away when you come to Me.  Have I not been a good Father to you, as My Father is to Me?  He and I are One.

Behold!  The time is near for Me to gather My children, whom I love, to My side.  Spend time with Me so that I can show you My goodness.  Share My love with others, tell them I love them; I love them to the point of death.  I died to make you Mine.  I did not hold back, but gave everything I had to save you from the flames of eternal damnation.  What has the world done for you?  Can the world do THAT?  Why do you give it so much importance in your life?  Time is short now.  All is ready for your homecoming.  The wedding guests are gathering, the meal is prepared.  Do not miss it!  I desire you would be there with ME.  You will not be disappointed. 

Ephesians 5:15-16

"See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil."

1 Peter 4:10

"As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." 

Revelation 2: 4-5

"Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.  Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent."

Psalm 91: 9-11

"Because you have made the Lordwho is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
10 No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
11 For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.

Matthew 25:34-36

"Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:  for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me."

Revelation 22:12

"And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work." 

Revelation 22:20

"He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.

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  If all this was happening 8 years ago.  How much more then will it intensify now, as we draw ever closer to the LORD's return for us? ...