June 14, 2014
Summer is here and kids are out of school. What a difference that makes. I'm on a good schedule and then BAM! Schedule's blown and now I'm on an entirely different schedule - a new one of my own making, though I marvel at how fast the process takes place and it's hard to get back to the old schedule which was working so well.
I used to send my child off to school and when my house was quiet, I would pray. I like to start the day out right. When I can't pray before leaving the house in the morning, I feel as if something isn't right. It isn't that God is angry with me that I didn't pray, or bad things happen to me throughout the day. It is just that closeness that I crave and feel as if something is amiss when I don't have it. Jesus is my morning coffee!
This morning I opened my eyes and my first thought was to roll out of bed and pray while the house was still quiet but I didn't. I stayed up much later that usual and I was more tired that usual so I rolled over and fell back to sleep again and didn't wake until my six year old came bounding in my bedroom, nagging me like an annoying alarm clock with no snooze button.
Once my day starts, it's busy and I don't have many opportunities to spend with the LORD. Today was no exception. The Holy Spirit was nudging me to go pray and instead I had my coffee and checked emails. Again, He nudged me to go pray but this time it was breakfast that was the pressing issue.
Before I knew it, it was time to get ready for work. I thought (again) that I'd have time to get some prayer time in before heading out the door but my mom called with a request that would require me to leave even earlier than I had planned, leaving me no time to pray. That is always the case when you are busy. Things happen that make you even busier yet, it never fails.
Do you know what one of the biggest lies the enemy tells us? - That we have plenty of time and can "get to it later". Imagine waiting in a doctor's office and you are told "he'll see you eventually. Or your sitting at a red light and it will turn green "one of these days". That kind "of thing doesn't sit well with us. We get so annoyed when the person in front of us doesn't gun the engine the second the light turns green - horns are blaring. Why then, do we do that to God? We start out with good intentions, then He slides to the #2 position and before we know it, we stop reading His word everyday, we stop praying and praising Him, we might even stop going to church. Satan is all happy with this. He whispers lies in our ears that we have nothing to worry about, it's all good. God will always be there for us. We can come to Him anytime we want (just not now). And the sad part is...we buy the lie.
I was being selfish this morning, plain and simple. There is no way around it. It was pure unadulterated selfishness on my part. I wanted to do what I wanted to do and so I did and then felt horrible after that I didn't give God two minutes of my time.
For me it was a lack of praying; for you it may be something else that He is calling you to do and you are dragging your feet, perhaps it's coming to Christ for the first time or after backsliding. Whatever it may be, soon the decision will be made for us, only not by us, but the LORD and Hebrews 10:31 tells us "it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God".
We are told in Isaiah 55:6 seek the LORD while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Next time I will be more in tune to what the Holy Spirit is speaking to my heart - I won't be selfish, and will seek Him early.
Blessings to you all. May God grant you the will to seek Him will all diligence while He may be found.
James 27:14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.
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