Saturday, September 22, 2012

Do Not Doubt My Promises

See to it children, that when you pray, asking for something in My name, you do not doubt.  For doubt will rob you of My promises.  Stand firm on My word.  If I have given you a task and it feels strange to you, do not worry, for I am with you in the midst of it.  I would not send you out to the wolves unprepared and unarmed.  You may feel alone in this thing I am asking of you, but fear not; the great and mighty Jehovah will prepare the way for you to walk in My power and strength.

Often I ask of you for the betterment of the other, but sometimes I ask things of you to strengthen your own faith.  When you doubt My words, you doubt My power to fulfill my promises to you.  Do not squelch My spirit.  It grieves Me when my children do not believe in faith, but allow the sin of doubt to control their minds.  Does My Holy Word not say, “Ask and you shall receive”?  Why then, do you doubt and belittle My word?

Be strong My children.  The time is near when the darkness will be so thick that you will not be able to find your way.  That is where your faith comes into play.  Those who trust Me completely to guide them will find their way.  Only by faith in My word will you be saved.  I must have your complete trust.  Do not toy with your faith, your efforts will fail.  Total trust is required for Me to guide you in the days ahead. 

Do not fear.   My words should serve as a warning and are not intended to instill fear in the hearts of My children.  I warn as a loving Father who sees the danger ahead.  I know what is required for your safe passage, and I impart those words on you now.  Take heed of My words.  Hear the warning bell.  The day is almost over and it is time for you to come in from the encroaching darkness. I gather you to Myself.  Let Me guide you.  Do not pull against My gentle leading.  Do not fear, and do not doubt, and ALL that I have promised you will soon come to pass. 

Matt 7:7 “Ask and it shall be given to you” (NAS)

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