Sunday, April 12, 2015
Saturday, April 11, 2015
April 11, 2015
A Moment Changes Everything
a song by David Grey called “A Moment
Changes Everything”. How true that
is. We live in a society plagued of
instantaneousism. It’s not a real word I
admit, but it best depicts the the world today, where everything is fast paced and only getting faster.
are so many instantaneous moments in our lives that will impact us forever. It only takes a moment for a teenager to
engage in an unhealthy activity, or for a husband to cheat on his wife; both of which carry heavy consequences.
good moments as well like the moment a couple stands before God and proclaims “I
many moments have passed by, for us to make the single most important decision that will impact our
lives for eternity? It took me a moment
in severe pain to realize that I am not in control, and that all the so many
moments in my life, didn't add up to much but misery. It took a moment to ask for forgiveness from
the One who loves me. And it took only a
moment to be healed and saved.
is coming a moment in the near future (no one knows the day or hour) when it’s
not going to matter what status you have, what things you possess, or how much
money you have. The ONLY thing that is
going to matter is your relationship with Jesus Christ. That moment is not far off. How many moments do you think we have on this
planet, before Christ comes? He could
come today, this next moment. We are not
promised tomorrow, or the next minute for that matter.
it about time you take a moment to sit and talk with Him, the King of King, the
Lover of your soul, and make Him the LORD of your heart? One day a moment truly will change EVERYTHING
and this moment right now could make all the difference for you.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
April 4, 2015
The Sinful Snowball Effect
We hear a lot about how we need to forgive other's transgressions against us if we want Jesus to forgive ours. It's easier said than done, especially when the transgression is directed at us like an arrow hitting it's bulls-eye. Sometimes it feels like we have a target on our backs. Sometimes the sin against us is so grievous that it's difficult beyond words to comprehend.
Recently I was afforded (again, as so often in my life) the "opportunity" to forgive. Of course at first we don't see our circumstances as opportunities to grow in Christ and show His love to others. We're wounded, cut to the core; we want that person to feel the pain that they have inflicted on us. Our minds quickly go to the "What If" reel. What if I had said this instead of that? What if I had done this? And on and on it goes. The longer we entertain those thoughts, the harder it becomes to regain our sanity. When we replay those hurtful events over and over in our minds, we give away our authority to Satan, without even realizing what we've just done. That keeps the focus on us and not on God, as healer, comforter, and judge.
Romans 12:11-19 says Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay" says the Lord. We can never repay like the LORD does. He is our sovereign judge. All we can do is turn our case over to Him and ask for His help to do our part, which is to forgive. It's probably not going to be a one time deal as the enemy doesn't like to give up his stronghold over us but when we keep coming before the LORD asking for His help to forgive, we are taking back our power and authority from the enemy.
Forgiveness is a conscience choice we make to live with the circumstances of other peoples' sins that are affecting us. It is something we have to work at as it doesn't come easily. However, when we finally come to that realization that we need to forgive, it frees our mind. Sin is always conceived in the mind first. If we do not free our mind of the hurt, inevitably we sin as well, causing the sinful snowball effect. Anger is the fruit of our pain. Allowed to remain in place, it only grows into an ugly monster that one day we will have to deal with, whether we want to or not. God will not allow one of His own to remain in that state forever, before He deals with us, showing us our own selfishness.
Jesus was repeatedly hurt when those He loved and came to save rejected Him and His message of love. Though He was no one's doormat, allowing them to spew their vitriol at Him, He simply moved on to those who would listen and were thirsty for the truth. Sometimes we need to let go and move on, as He did, difficult as it may be. It may mean letting go of someone we love, if that is what the situation calls for. Each person's difficulties are unique and there is no "one size fits all". We do need to set boundaries, and that does not mean we do not love that person, it is healthy for both parties involved.
When the world turns against us and we find ourselves repeating those same hurtful thoughts in our minds and we've asked the LORD to remove them. The next step is to help someone else. By helping someone else in need, it takes the focus off of us and forces us to be Christ centered. There is always someone in our life, perhaps at home, at work, or in our community who's needs exceed our own. Life is like climbing a ladder and we are all on different steps. Some of us have been through life experiences and are now in a position to help those who are climbing behind us. It's a wonderful experience to be able to use the wisdom that we've gained to help someone else on their life journey.
The one thing we can take away from all our suffering is this: 1 Peter 4:12 Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. It may take a lifetime (for some of us) before we are free from the hurt that was unduly caused us, but if we remain faithful to Christ (though we struggle through it), He is faithful to reward us in the end, with immeasurable joy. So stand your ground against the enemy of your soul and do not give him authority over your thoughts. Pray and ask the LORD to take the pain from you and submit your thoughts to Him alone. As it says in James 4:7: Therefore submit to God. Resist the evil and he will flee from you. If we are persistent in asking God to free us from our debilitating thoughts, two things will happen: God will come to our rescue and Satan will flee, if we give him no ground on which to stand. Holding on to the pain only puts us in an emotional and spiritual jail, and makes Satan the warden.
Lord Jesus, I come before you bearing much sorrow and pain for this sin (name it) which was committed against me. It is more than I can bear so I bring it to you, the Lover of my soul, my Father, my Refuge, and my Judge. Only you can see the depths of a person's heart. LORD, I am ready to submit to you my thoughts, my heart, and my life. Take this pain from me and replace it with your joy, your peace, and your rest. Help me to follow your example and forgive (name the person) for their transgressions against me.
LORD, in your mercy show them the error of their ways and bring them into Your saving grace. Open my eyes to the love that you have for me and help me to remember that you loved me FIRST! Give me the strength that I need to fight the good fight, to resist the devil, and to endure to the end.
Cover me with Your Holy Blood and cleanse me from MY unrighteousness and sin and send Your angles to minister to me in this time of need so that I might be the example of Your love, Your grace, and Your mercy to others.
I thank you, Jesus that You understand, You care, and You are faithful to see me safely through this pain and bring me to a place of peace and healing. Help me to look beyond my circumstances to those around me who are in need and help bring healing to others.
All glory and honor is Yours, LORD Jesus! Amen.
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