Sunday, October 27, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Monday, October 21, 2013
Friday, October 18, 2013
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Friday, October 4, 2013
October 4, 2013
Someone sent this to me in an email. I don't know the original author as it has been around the internet - perhaps you have already seen it. If not, please take a look as it shows the infinite wisdom of God and how He knows things far in advance. He sets the stage to keep us safe, yet many times we do not see it as such. We may sit with our limited view wondering what God is doing, thinking He must have lost His mind, when in fact that is the farthest from the truth. May this short parable bless you all today.
The King and his Servant
Someone sent this to me in an email. I don't know the original author as it has been around the internet - perhaps you have already seen it. If not, please take a look as it shows the infinite wisdom of God and how He knows things far in advance. He sets the stage to keep us safe, yet many times we do not see it as such. We may sit with our limited view wondering what God is doing, thinking He must have lost His mind, when in fact that is the farthest from the truth. May this short parable bless you all today.
The King and his Servant
A king who did not believe in the goodness of God, had a slave who, in all circumstances would always say “my king, do not be discouraged, because
Everything God does is perfect. He makes no mistakes!”
One day they went hunting and along the way a wild animal attacked the
King. His slave managed to kill the animal, but could not prevent his
Majesty from losing a finger.
Furious and without showing his gratitude for being saved, the nobleman asked
"Is God good? If He was good, I would not have been attacked and lost my finger."
The slave replied:
"My king, despite all these things, I can only tell you that God is good,
And he knows why these things happened. What God does is perfect. He is
Never wrong!"
Outraged by the response, the king ordered the arrest of his slave.
Later, the King left for another hunt, this time alone. He was captured by
Savages who engaged in human sacrifices.
On the altar and ready to sacrifice the nobleman, the savages discovered
That their victim did not have one of his fingers. According to them, only
A whole person with all his/her parts intact could be offered to the gods.
The King without a finger was deemed an abominable sacrifice for their
Gods. So they released the King.
Upon his return to the palace, the King authorized the release of his
Slave. He received the slave affectionately. God was really good to me! I was almost
Killed by the wild men, but for lack of a single finger, I was let go! But
I have a question: if God is so good, why did he allow me to put you in jail?"
The slave answered, "my King, if I had gone with you on this hunt, I would
Have been sacrificed instead because I have no missing finger. Remember
Everything God does is perfect. He is never wrong. He made you keep me in
Jail so I would not be with you on the hunt."
Often we complain about life, and negative things that happen to us,
Forgetting that nothing is random and that everything has a purpose.
Every morning, offer your day to God, don't be in a rush.
Ask God to inspire your thoughts, guide your actions, and ease your
Feelings. And do not be afraid. God is never wrong!
You know why this message is for you? I do not know, but God knows, because
He never makes mistakes.......
What you do with this message is up to you. May God put in your heart the
Desire to send it to someone. God knows why He chose you to receive this
Message. Please bless someone with it.
God is never wrong!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
October 1, 2013
Last week I was reading a familiar bible story to my son. We read about Jesus walking on water and how Peter was also able to walk on water by the power of the Holy Spirit (Mat 14:28). Peter was able to get out of the boat and walk towards Jesus, but as he looked around him and saw the waves, he became scared and started to sink.
We are just like Peter. We feel strong and safe when we are walking with the LORD, but when we take our eyes off of the Savior, to look around at things in the world, we start to sink, just as Peter did.
The news is pretty gruesome today with murders, kidnappings, landslides, sink holes, fires, floods, and earthquakes. It's all too easy to get wrapped up in those things (especially if you, or someone you know has had a tragedy in their life recently) and we begin to question our faith, wondering where is God in all of this? That is the moment we begin to sink. Peter got rebuked by the LORD for his loss of faith, do we really want Jesus to rebuke us for the very same thing?
We must never forget the Savior's great love and mercy for us! Psalm 34:17 says, The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. And verse 19 says, Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.
Who are the righteous? Those who were washed in the blood of the LAMB, who's sins are hidden in Christ Jesus. Romans 4:7 tells us, Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Psalm 32:1 also confirms, Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
Now that we know we are righteous, how do we know that God will keep His word to rescue us in time of trouble? Psalm 34:7 affirms that the Angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them. He doesn't just put up a hedge of protection around us, but He delivers us also. When Peter realized that he was sinking, his first instinct was to call on the LORD Jesus to save him. Mat 14:31 says, and immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"
We can clearly see that God wasted NO time saving one of his own. The minute Peter cried out, he was saved. The same is true for us. The very minute we cry out to Jesus, we are saved. He gets no pleasure from our struggle here on earth. He seeks the lost, heals the lame, and offers grace and mercy to those who cry out to Him. 2 Peter 3:9 says this: The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
Lets challenge ourselves to keep our spiritual eyes on Jesus and not look around us in the natural, lest we get discouraged and start to sink in our faith. We all like to make resolutions about our health, jobs, relationships. How about our spiritual relationship with the King of Kings? Lets resolve ourselves to allow HIM to guide our lives. Lets fix ourselves on Him, especially in these troubling times.
He is coming soon. His return is sooner today than yesterday. Lets not be caught sleeping, but waiting with great anticipation for the return of our Blessed Hope! Lets keep our eyes on the One who really matters, lets keep our eyes on Jesus!
Last week I was reading a familiar bible story to my son. We read about Jesus walking on water and how Peter was also able to walk on water by the power of the Holy Spirit (Mat 14:28). Peter was able to get out of the boat and walk towards Jesus, but as he looked around him and saw the waves, he became scared and started to sink.
We are just like Peter. We feel strong and safe when we are walking with the LORD, but when we take our eyes off of the Savior, to look around at things in the world, we start to sink, just as Peter did.
The news is pretty gruesome today with murders, kidnappings, landslides, sink holes, fires, floods, and earthquakes. It's all too easy to get wrapped up in those things (especially if you, or someone you know has had a tragedy in their life recently) and we begin to question our faith, wondering where is God in all of this? That is the moment we begin to sink. Peter got rebuked by the LORD for his loss of faith, do we really want Jesus to rebuke us for the very same thing?
We must never forget the Savior's great love and mercy for us! Psalm 34:17 says, The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. And verse 19 says, Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.
Who are the righteous? Those who were washed in the blood of the LAMB, who's sins are hidden in Christ Jesus. Romans 4:7 tells us, Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Psalm 32:1 also confirms, Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
Now that we know we are righteous, how do we know that God will keep His word to rescue us in time of trouble? Psalm 34:7 affirms that the Angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them. He doesn't just put up a hedge of protection around us, but He delivers us also. When Peter realized that he was sinking, his first instinct was to call on the LORD Jesus to save him. Mat 14:31 says, and immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"
We can clearly see that God wasted NO time saving one of his own. The minute Peter cried out, he was saved. The same is true for us. The very minute we cry out to Jesus, we are saved. He gets no pleasure from our struggle here on earth. He seeks the lost, heals the lame, and offers grace and mercy to those who cry out to Him. 2 Peter 3:9 says this: The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
Lets challenge ourselves to keep our spiritual eyes on Jesus and not look around us in the natural, lest we get discouraged and start to sink in our faith. We all like to make resolutions about our health, jobs, relationships. How about our spiritual relationship with the King of Kings? Lets resolve ourselves to allow HIM to guide our lives. Lets fix ourselves on Him, especially in these troubling times.
He is coming soon. His return is sooner today than yesterday. Lets not be caught sleeping, but waiting with great anticipation for the return of our Blessed Hope! Lets keep our eyes on the One who really matters, lets keep our eyes on Jesus!
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